Am leaving; Tony Vitello signed a mega €109.5 million deal with..
My literary contributors and I agree on a couple of things this week: No mercy and no need for Tennessee baseball coach Tony Vitello to change.
Wade writes: Thank you for pointing out that the 1997 LSU single-season home run record was accomplished with supercharged aluminum bats. You couldn’t be more correct. Today’s BBCOR bats would be considered “dead” by any hitter that used one of each type and compared them.
However, in addition to that valid point, my son Reece made an even more compelling case as to why the 2024 National Champion Vols truly are the greatest home run hitting team in college baseball history. There was no mercy rule shortening games in 1997.
LSU played every inning that season. If I recall his count correctly, the 2024 Vols had 22 games shortened by one or more inning due to the mercy rule. It is beyond safe to deduce that if you gave this roster an additional 30+ innings they would have hit 5 more bombs.
no-mercy approach to baseball.
Thank goodness there was no mercy rule in my softball league in Manhattan, Kansas, when I was in the Army. A mercy rule would have deprived my Crawfish team of a one-run rally in our last at-bat of a 36-2 loss to Ken’s Den (a team loaded with Kansas State football players).